alison Hartman gardens, albany

Constructed: 2019

Construction Value: $700,00

Alison Hartman Gardens is a central public open space in the heart of Albany. It celebrates the local Indigenous history through collaboration with a team of local Menang artists and the elevation and repositioning of a commemorative statue of Mokare, a significant local historic figure. The statue is a recognition of the role Mokare played in the peaceful coexistence between Noongar people and the first European settlers, and in particular his friendship with Dr Alexander Collie,explorer and botanist.

The design of the park capitalises on it’s scenic surrounds, adjacent historic stone architecture and a large heritage listed oak tree on the site.

Sweeping terraces define a flexible space that can be programmed for events whilst offering a lush green public space for everyday use. Alison Hartman Gardens connects to the Albany Visitors centre and  is the starting point for the iconic Bibbulmun Track and Munda Biddi Trail.