
Client: AMB Holdings

Location: Whadjuk Noongar Boodja, Albany, WA

Team: See Design Studio, Indigenous Economic Solutions, Fitzpatrick + Partners

This project aims to create an exemplary work-live environment. Guided by a vision of global flourishing and sustainable balance, the client is committed to responsible development.

Local and sustainable materials will forge a strong bond between people and the environment, demonstrating that development can give back more than it takes, meeting humanity’s needs while respecting the planet’s limits.

The project embraces the rigorous ILFI Living Building Challenge (LBC) certification, with a focus on generating positive environmental and societal impacts. Set to be among Australia’s first, this building signifies a unique architectural opportunity.

The design encapsulates the past and future, paying homage to the site’s history and the family’s legacy while ensuring a positive community impact.

See Design Studio collaborated with Dortch Cuthbert and Karen Jacobs from Indigenous Economic Solutions to gain support and knowledge from the Noongar working group